Friday, October 28, 2011

Hurry Hurry Halloween!

I told Myra that I had to pee so Tyson would have to help her take her blocks apart. Now, she defers to him about all of her toy problems, while he naps in the sun... I can hear her becoming more and more impatient with him.
"Tyson...... TYSON. HELP. STUCK. Tyson? Ty-SON!! Blocks... broken? Help? TYYYSOOOOOON"

On another note, Halloween is swiftly approaching and we are PREPARED! (For once, I got the costumes early!). I've got a little mask from a dear friend, brought back by her from Venice... or France... or someplace European. I'm planning on dressing up in something nice with it, maybe a bit of fancy makeup. Myra has a charming little zebra costume with a zebra head on the hood, she looks so cute in it! I'll have photos soon, hopefully before night time so the lighting is better. She picked the outfit herself from Target - she had a tantrum the second time we planned to leave without it (the first time it caught her eye I managed to sneak away), so in a way she chose her own costume.

I'm still working on a list of Must Watch Movies for the Modern Young Woman. (MWMMYW for short...ish). Adding the two films Trust and Sabah: A Love Story. I don't like explaining them, but I'll say the first is very emotionally charged and well represented, an important every-angle snapshot of a family in crisis. The second was a simple, realistic feel-good love story. You'll notice that I don't choose typical "feel goods" or high budgets normally because I feel they gloss over the sticky moments. Sticky moments are the reason we're watching these films! They help us see in ourselves what we can't see from behind our own eyes, and see in our friends what we can't see from behind closed doors.

I'll be updating my movie list periodically once it is actually up and running, I hope to also compile a Must Read List for the Modern Young Woman as well... (MRLMYW...!!?). I seem to be crunching quite a few books and odd films lately, (mostly because Myra pegs me down at nap-time with "Mommy, hold me!!") So I figure, someone should benefit! I look forward to connecting with some young women in my area hopefully and forming a book and movie club, but at this time that seems so very, very far off.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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